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Google: O3D su Chrome

O3D è il sistema che Google ha messo a punto per integrare il 3D con il mondo del web.
Quello che vedete sotto nel video è un esempio.
Ora, Greg Spencer, un programmatore di Google, ha dichiarato che O3D stà per essere integrato nel browser Chrome.

Google announced their O3D plugin for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms a few months ago, and that was all very well and exciting; this will enable advanced 3D effects to be performed directly in the browser. These new 3D standards on the web will be a very exciting new step in technology. Lately, though, Google has also announced that O3D will eventually be integrated into Chrome. In the words of Greg Spencer, a programmer from Google, “The O3D team is working on getting O3D integrated into the Chromium build, and we’re close to being able to complete our first step towards integration. I’ll be making the Windows build of Chromium be dependent upon building O3D as part of the build process.”

Fonti: FCnetOsNews

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